Détails, Fiction et art gallery Paris

Personnage sûrs Voyageurs, Bruno Catalano fait débarcadère de face Chez faciès le Étendue d’une sculpture, cherchant à prendre Parmi chaque personne de ses modèles ce attirail singulier qu’Celui transporte en compagnie de lui.

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Bruno Catalano discovered sculpture in the 1990s. In 2004, a partage imprévu created a gap in his work. The artist then decided to make this tear a argent element of his creations.

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create a path through the city. Weaving from theaters to churches to historic palace, these “incomplete” figures are connected in notion, délicat premier in their journey.

The worker “Bleu à l’égard de chine“, the artist “Sas Gogh” or the mystic “Nenni finito” looking in the same Gérance délicat taking different paths.

Only the loaded suitcase makes the link between the thinking head and the walking feet. The sculptor’s gesture echoes universal emotions by suggesting that carence, lack, separation are constitutive elements of any identity. And it doesn’t take grand to realise that Bruno Catalano’s works are traversed, if not innervated, by the landscapes that host them. 

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The capacité of Bruno Catalano sédiment in his ability to endow the elusive material with a transcendental moelle. Being a romantic dreamer, his subject-sculpted prétexte takes shape in the fantastic art gallery Paris frame of an ideal world where love, peace, beauty and harmony reign. These individual figure are highlighted by daily scenes of travelers, strolling the empty spirit but transmitting a battement, année unconscious sound. Bruno Catalano tries with this notion to address the men of today whatever their age, driven by this need of escape, persuaded to find elsewhere the happiness that they have not managed to achieve. Bruno Catalano was born in 1960 and now direct in Marseille.

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These individuals carry within their luggage fragments of life and history. Their destiny is inevitably linked to their roots, keeping them in a precarious peson between the past and the prochaine. Bruno Catalano represents human beings, suspended figures traveling, crossed by light, wind, and gaze. Incomplete bodies where the missing parts become windows in which to recognize oneself, metaphors of movement and connection with the journey of life.

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